Harvesting Excitement Since 2002!

Rooted in agritourism and the rural world- MacArt Studios has been proudly and professionally promoting the direct-to-farm tourism economy for more than 20 years.  Richard and Jo MacArthur have been involved in the marketing, branding and development of many amazing rural attractions around North America.

All of this experience marketing and creating fun in outdoor public spaces, has provided us a deep knowledge of your site needs, and its challenges. We've combined our creative concepts with outdoor durable materials to bring you an online store full of unique site installations & ideas geared specifically to the outdoor tourism operator.

Many of our products have budded out of conversations with our clients, who have trusted us to innovate solutions and create experiences suited to their audiences and brand. 

Our mission with the Product Development Efforts:

    • create unique experiences that are plug & play on your site
    • solve problems and fill the gaps in outdoor attractions
    • innovate games that offer inter-generational, and social play
    • collaborate with our partner operators and innovators
    MacArt Studios is a family-run marketing studio, located on our small family farm and sugar bush, where we raise three remarkable children and some related dependents! We are small and mighty! Richard and Jo MacArthur are here to serve the outdoor tourism community, as we offer our wisdom and creativity on marketing, communications, tourism and product development.

    Partners, Suppliers and Ideas Welcome! 

    e-mail your wisdoms to info@macartstudios.com  We Grow Together.
